The Mosaic Life Purpose miniLab

Do you feel disconnected from your purpose? Perhaps you can feel your purpose alive inside you, but you can't figure out what the hell it is. So aggravating.

Or maybe you’re feeling so burned out and overwhelmed with… looks around and gestures… everything, that feeling inspired feels impossible.

All you know is that something needs to change — you yearn for something to change.

I’ve got you.

Join me, Bridgette Boudreau, master life coach and creator of the Mosaic Life Purpose Framework, for a free miniLab where we’ll delve into your purpose by asking the right questions that open you up to possibility, creativity, and even deeper self-love — and it'll give you a huge jump forward.

The Mosaic miniLab is a taster of my Mosaic Life Purpose Framework. An amuse-bouche of finding your purpose, if you will. In addition to me teaching you a new approach to living purposefully, you’ll also see me working with a few folks in what I like to call The Hot Seat of Love™, which really brings the teachings to life. 

In this audio teaching/coaching session, I'll teach you:

  • The one purpose-related question people always ask that trips them up, and the question to ask instead.
  • How to make the shift from looking externally for your purpose, to turning inward.
  • How to avoid narrowing your focus too soon. (Which only gets you more of what you already have.)
  • Why living more purposefully is an act of personal transformation.
  • How our cultural focus on achievement blocks living more purposefully.
  • And, a cool little exercise that will help you get more insight about your purpose in a surprising way.

This audio session is quick, fun, and profound. You’ll receive a 30-minute audio session + worksheet that will give you a new and different perspective on your life journey, and help you kick those blahs to the curb.


Coaching Salon: The Gift of Disillusionment

08/15/24 | 12 - 1:30 Pacific | FREE

Are you a coach or seeker who's feeling a little wayward, perhaps even disillusioned?

You believed in that teacher, that program, that system… until they let you down. Maybe they even caused you harm. It’s a painful experience, and it can leave you feeling shattered and alone.

But what if there’s a gift in that disillusionment?

The 'Gift' of Disillusionment—WTF, Bridgette?!?

It seems strange to call being hurt and disillusioned a gift. And I'm not implying that this happened to you for a reason, or that you should bypass your complicated feelings. But stay with me: There is gold to be harvested from these difficult experiences.

In this Coaching Salon, we’ll explore how the times you’ve been let down, disappointed, or even shattered are the catalyst for your growth, wisdom, and strength.

My Story

During this Salon, I’ll share my own disillusionment story—how I saw and experienced the dark side of personal development and spirituality, what happened, and how I put the pieces of my life back together.

Most importantly, I’ll share what I learned from that experience and how it led me to where I am today.

What to Expect

The intention for our time together is our collective healing: Gaining insight, perspective, and hopefully re-establishing a sense of belonging, even just a little bit. 

Harvesting the Gold: Together, we’ll sift through the ashes of your disillusionment to find the gold hidden within.

Validation and Connection: If you’ve been feeling alone, you’ll find validation and community in a group of others who have been through similar experiences.

Reclaiming Strength and Joy: While disillusionment can be heavy, this workshop is ultimately about reclaiming your strength and joy. We’ll turn your heartbreak into good medicine, as my friend Sas says.


What You’ll Leave With:

You’ll walk away from this Salon with a clearer sense of what you want to take forward and what you’ll happily leave behind. 

You'll see how one of the biggest gifts of disillusionment is discernment, your guiding light. 

You are not alone. If you've been looking for a happy group of fellow wayward coaches and seekers to link up with, then please join us! 


The Details

💫 This 90-minute free Zoom call takes place on Thursday, August 15, 2024 from 12-1:30 pm Pacific time. Sign up below and register to attend live (recommended) or catch the replay.

This workshop gives you a taste of the work we do in the Mosaic Way Learning Community. It’s a stand-alone experience, with no hard sell at the end—the preview is in the work itself. I hope you'll come for the community and conversation.

See you there! 



Sign up here 👇

Catch up on past Salons

Beyond the Algo — Sustainable Content Marketing | March 5, 2024

Content marketing expert Jana Osofsky joins me to talk about the changing social media landscape and how we're all exhausted trying to keep up. We discuss the keys to successful marketing in the changing social media landscape.

How to Figure Out What's Next |
January 22, 2024

I talk about common pitfalls people encounter while trying to determine the way ahead in their careers or other big life questions. I introduce participants to my Mosaic Framework which focuses on introspection, curiosity, and building emotional resilience. Participants also share their personal pitfalls and I do some spot coaching to show them how to keep moving forward and not get derailed.

Ethical, Soulful Marketing That Works | October 26, 2023

Mark Silver joined me in my Coaching Salon to talk about marketing in ways that are both ethical and soulful. We dismantle the marketing myths that keep good people from succeeding in business.

Beyond the Coaching Box | August 24, 2023

During this Coaching Salon, we get down to the essence of coaching and why we became coaches in the first place. If you've ever felt confined by the traditional 'coaching box' and yearn for a fresh perspective, this session is for you.

ChatGPT | June 1, 2023

Bridgette and her guest, AI expert Catherine Adams, show you how to use ChatGPT to create social media posts, repurpose content, and leverage one piece of content for many social media, blog, and video platforms, plus a few fun surprises. 

Psychological Safety for Clients | Feb 23, 2023

In this video, we gathered a group of experienced coaches to discuss the importance of creating psychological safety in coaching sessions and communities. 

Back of the Napkin Biz Planning | Jan 20, 2023

If business planning makes you break out in hives, this Coaching Salon is for you. Here's a way to create some loving, simple structure so your over-achieving hustle drive won't kick in.