Years ago, one of my mentors, Hiro Boga, taught me that my business is an entity separate from me and that I'm in a relationship with it.
She explained that if I listened and nurtured it, my business would nudge me toward the best path to success.
For a long time, I treated my business transactionally: I gave it service offerings, sales pages, emails and social posts, and dammit, it better give me the platform growth, clients, and money I wanted. Tit for tat, and you bet I was keeping score.
I wasn’t fully committed to my business and always had one foot out the door. I’d think, “If this launch doesn’t work, I’m leaving you and getting a job.” And listen to it? No way. Hiro’s words about being in relationship were lost in the fog of the slog.
After questioning whether I should be in business or not for the thousandth time, I remembered Hiro’s words and committed to my business.
I let go of my shoulds about the success or failure of any singular activity and instead devoted myself to building a sustainable business over time.
On a practical level, this freed up a lot more bandwidth to be creative because I wasn’t wasting energy ruminating (as much ๐ ) over “failures” or waffling about being in business.
As I shifted from a transactional to a relational approach, my business told me some things.
It told me that I needed to spend less time launching stuff and more time hanging out with people in various ways because that’s nourishing for me and good for business. I listened, and right away new opportunities opened up. It was honestly a little wild how fast things shifted. It was a case of things going slowly, then happening all at once.
The very best thing that happened was I fell in love. I truly love my clients. I adore this work that I am so lucky and privileged to get to do. And I love, love, love this business that I’ve been in a relationship with for 17 years.
Through it all, my business has been steadfast, shooing me in the right direction all along.
All I needed to do was commit and listen.
If you'd like some help tuning into the soul of your business and shifting your relationship with it, book a free initial consult with me. I blend practical business advice with a deep attunement to the underlying soulfulness of running a business of the heart. Let's chat!