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Go from midlife crisis to clarity with The Mosaic Framework

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Must Reads

What if being wayward is the way?

We’ve all bought into this idea that if we just do the right things at the right time in a linear fashion, success will follow. So when we follow the rules and do the things and “success” doesn’t happen, we think...

Transform Your Life: How to Align Your Willpower with Your Soul's Purpose

How to use your will in service of your soul

The other day I was telling my friends about why I'm so fired up for my business this year. 

I shared that I found myself creating business plans and even revenue forecasts! Before now,...

The Components of Transformation: Dropping Keys Podcast Interview

I had the pleasure of having a deep and wide-ranging discussion with Joel Morgan, host of the Dropping Keys podcast. I've heard from lots of folks (thank you for the feedback and love!) about how this interview touched them and gave them much to...

Can You Enjoy Your Downtime?

So, can you enjoy your downtime?

If your first response was, “What downtime?” scootch a little closer, friend.

Downtime is natural. We need to rest. We need to regroup. We need to pause and consider before running willy-nilly into the...

What Makes You Tick?

In my early personal development days, I attended a workshop where the leader breathlessly asked, “What do you want?” It was the heyday of the law of attraction where you had to know what you wanted (and you’d better dream big!)...

Are You Getting the Message?

Here’s a funny thing I do: I ask the universe for guidance. Then, the universe valiantly attempts to deliver the message.

And then I fight like hell.

(Clearly, the universe did not understand what I actually wanted, which was for my way to...

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