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Go from midlife crisis to clarity with The Mosaic Framework

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Must Reads

What Happens When You Try to Define Your Next Chapter Too Quickly?

I recently worked with a client who’s a multi-passionate powerhouse: a Chief Product Officer, artist, and coach. She’s been exploring what’s next after her current CPO role.

The challenge she kept running into? She’d get...

Anxiety Mad Libs: Holiday Edition

We've all done it: You know, that thing where you proactively fill in the unknowns when faced with uncomfortable uncertainty. My partner Stephanie and I have taken to calling that phenomenon Anxiety Mad Libs.

Like the beloved 80's...

What To Do When Your Ambitions Change at Midlife

As I entered my early 50s, my relationship with ambition completely changed. The shift was influenced by a couple of factors:

  • The waves of depression and anxiety I rode in my late 40s due to menopause plus a lot of...
From Ping-Ponging to Purpose: How the Mosaic Found Me


Have you ever felt like you’re on the edge of discovering something profound about who you are and why you’re here, yet can’t quite grasp it? I know that feeling all too well. 

My journey from corporate marketing...

Are You In A Dysfunctional Relationship With Your Business?


Years ago, one of my mentors, Hiro Boga, taught me that my business is an entity separate from me and that I'm in a relationship with it. 


She explained that if I listened and nurtured it, my business...

Reinvent Yourself at Midlife: Go From Crisis to Clarity With The Mosaic Framework


You’re at a point in your life — and are ahem, of a certain age — where you’ve checked the boxes: you’ve climbed the ladder, raised the kids, cared for others, been the supportive partner, or whatever other...

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