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Must Reads

5 things to do when you hit a business dip

Every business experiences ebbs and flows, and coaching businesses (no matter what the gurus say) are no different. 

Here are 5 things I do when I hit a dip to stop the freak-out and get back into alignment. 

1. Stop Hustling
I just...

How Do You Measure Your Success?

I have a women's coaching group that I've been facilitating for a few years now and sometimes I jump into our group chat for a quick focus group to see if my ideas/messaging are on track.

I asked them if they resonate with being recovering...

Your Life is Like a Mosaic: A Conversation on the Lead Like A Woman Podcast

I joined Andrea Heuston on the Lead Like A Woman podcast to discuss the power of living a purpose-filled life. If you're a woman feeling stuck or facing challenges at work, this episode is especially relevant to you.

Tune in here or wherever...

The Components of Transformation: Dropping Keys Podcast Interview

I had the pleasure of having a deep and wide-ranging discussion with Joel Morgan, host of the Dropping Keys podcast. I've heard from lots of folks (thank you for the feedback and love!) about how this interview touched them and gave them much to...

Experimentation & The Art of Gathering Intelligence

An excellent way to gather Intelligence about your purpose, what’s next, or any of life’s big questions, is to experiment.

We’ve lost our ability to dabble, to try, to play around with an idea.

We can become paralyzed by...

Can You Enjoy Your Downtime?

So, can you enjoy your downtime?

If your first response was, “What downtime?” scootch a little closer, friend.

Downtime is natural. We need to rest. We need to regroup. We need to pause and consider before running willy-nilly into the...